ST-LINK V2 Debugger
Name | ST-LINK V2 Debugger |
Part | MX-LINK V2 |
Brand | Unknown |
Origin | China |
Part | STM32F103C8U6 |
Manufacturer | ST-Microelectronics |
Core | Arm Cortex-M3 |
Max. Clock Speed | 72MHz |
Package | UFQFPN 48 pins |
Internal memories
FLASH | 64KiB |
SRAM | 20KiB |
HSI | 8MHz |
LSI | 40kHz |
HSE | 8MHz |
LSE | None |
Sources | USB connector (+5V) |
VDDA pin | No |
VSSA pin | No |
VREF- pin | No |
VREF+ pin | No |
Backup battery | None |
Manufacturer | Nanjing Micro One Electronics Inc. |
Part | ME6211 (S2QA / S2QC / S2QK / S2RD ) |
Package | SOT23-5 5 pins |
Input | +2V to +6V |
Output | +3.3V @ 180mA |
Datasheet | ME6211.pdf |
Color | Green |
Size (w x l) | 15mm x 30mm |
Mounting | None |
- Note: This board is intended to use as ST-Link device to program and debug other STM32 and STM8 devices.
Inputs & outputs
Name | - |
Reference | - |
Type | LED |
Connected to | PA9 via 1.8kΩ resistor |
Mode | Sink |
Name | - |
Reference | - |
Type | LED |
Connected to | PA9 via 1.8kΩ resistor |
Mode | Source |
Connectors & headers
SWD out properties
Name | Unknown |
Reference | None |
Type | IDC (2.54mm, 5x2, male) |
SWD out pins
# | Name | Function | Connected to |
1 | RST | - | PB6 |
2 | CLK | - | PA5 via 100Ω resistor |
3 | SWM | - | Ground plane |
4 | DIO | - | PB12 via 100Ω resistor |
5 | GND | - | Ground plane |
6 | GND | - | Ground plane |
7 | 3V3 | - | +3.3V rail |
8 | 3V3 | - | +3.3V rail |
9 | 5V0 | - | +5V rail |
10 | 5V0 | - | +5V rail |
SWD in properties footprint
Name | Unknown |
Reference | None |
Type | Pin header (1mm, 4x1, male) |
SWD in pins footprint
# | Name | Function | Connected to |
1 | - | GND | Ground plane |
2 | - | SWCLK | PA14 |
3 | - | SWDIO | PA13 |
4 | - | VCC | +3.3V rail |
USB A connector properties
Name | Unknown |
Reference | None |
Type | USB A |
USB A connector pins
# | Name | Function | Connected to |
1 | - | VCC | +5V rail |
2 | - | D- | PA11 |
3 | - | D+ | PA12 |
4 | - | GND | Ground plane |