SR Board



NameSR Board


CoreArm Cortex-M4
Max. Clock Speed168MHz
PackageLQFP 100 pins

Internal memories

Backup SRAM4KiB




Any +3.3V pin (+3.3V)
Any +5V pin (+5V)
USB connector (+5V)
VDDA pinNo
VSSA pinNo
VREF- pinNo
VREF+ pinNo
Backup batteryPin


ManufacturerAdvanced Monolithic Systems Inc.
PartAMS1117 (AMS1117)
PackageSOT223 3 pins
Input+4.6V to +15V
Output+3.3V @ 1A


Size (w x l)46mm x 59mm


  • Warning: The +5V pins on this board are directly connected to the +5V pin of the USB connector. There is no protection in place. Do not power this board through USB and an external power supply at the same time.
  • Warning: The microcontroller on this board features internal pull-up resistors for the USB data lines. However, this board has an additional pull-up resistor on D+ (R8). This resistor is not needed and violates the USB specification when the internal pull-up resistors are also used. This may cause errors while using USB on this board.


SR Board: Perspective view
SR Board: Perspective view
SR Board: Top view
SR Board: Top view
SR Board: Bottom view
SR Board: Bottom view

Inputs & outputs

Reset button

Name RST
Reference -
Type Button
Connected to NRST
Mode Active low

BOOT0 switch

Name BOOT0
Reference -
Type Switch
Connected to BOOT0
Mode N.A.

BOOT1 switch

Name BOOT1
Reference -
Type Switch
Connected to PB2
Mode N.A.

User button

Name KEY
Reference -
Type Button
Connected to PA0
Mode Active low

Power LED

Name -
Reference D1
Type LED
Connected to +3.3V rail
Mode N.A.

User LED

Name -
Reference D2
Type LED
Connected to PB0
Mode Sink

Connectors & headers

Header 1 properties

Name Unknown
Reference None
Type Pin header (2.54mm, 22x2, male)

Header 1 pins

# Name Function Connected to
1 E2 - PE2
2 E3 - PE3
3 E4 - PE4
4 E5 - PE5
5 E6 - PE6
7 C13 - PC13
8 C14 - PC14
9 C15 - PC15
11 C0 - PC0
12 C1 - PC1
13 C2 - PC2
14 C3 - PC3
15 A0 - PA0
16 A1 - PA1
17 A2 - PA2
18 A3 - PA3
19 A4 - PA4
20 A5 - PA5
21 A6 - PA6
22 A7 - PA7
23 C4 - PC4
24 C5 - PC5
25 B0 - PB0
26 B1 - PB1
27 B2 - PB2
28 E7 - PE7
29 E8 - PE8
30 E9 - PE9
31 E10 - PE10
32 E11 - PE11
33 E12 - PE12
34 E13 - PE13
35 E14 - PE14
36 E15 - PE15
37 B10 - PB10
38 B11 - PB11
39 5V - +5V rail
40 5V - +5V rail
41 3.3V - +3.3V rail
42 3.3V - +3.3V rail
43 GND - Ground plane
44 GND - Ground plane

Header 2 properties

Name Unknown
Reference None
Type Pin header (2.54mm, 22x2, male)

Header 2 pins

# Name Function Connected to
1 B12 - PB12
2 B13 - PB13
3 B14 - PB14
4 B15 - PB15
5 D8 - PD8
6 D9 - PD9
7 D10 - PD10
8 D11 - PD11
9 D12 - PD12
10 D13 - PD13
11 D14 - PD14
12 D15 - PD15
13 C6 - PC6
14 C7 - PC7
15 C8 - PC8
16 C9 - PC9
17 A8 - PA8
18 A9 - PA9
19 A10 - PA10
20 A11 - PA11
21 A12 - PA12
22 A13 - PA13
23 A14 - PA14
24 A15 - PA15
25 C10 - PC10
26 C11 - PC11
27 C12 - PC12
28 D0 - PD0
29 D1 - PD1
30 D2 - PD2
31 D3 - PD3
32 D4 - PD4
33 D5 - PD5
34 D6 - PD6
35 D7 - PD7
36 B3 - PB3
37 B4 - PB4
38 B5 - PB5
39 B6 - PB6
40 B7 - PB7
41 B8 - PB8
42 B9 - PB9
43 E0 - PE0
44 E1 - PE1

USB connector properties

Name Unknown
Reference None
Type USB Micro

USB connector pins

# Name Function Connected to
1 - VCC +5V rail
2 - D- PA11
3 - D+ PA12
4 - ID N.C.
5 - GND Ground plane

JTAG header properties

Name Unknown
Reference None
Type IDC (2.54mm, 10x2, male)

JTAG header pins

# Name Function Connected to
1 - VCC +3.3V rail
2 - VCC +3.3V rail
3 - TRST PB4
4 - GND Ground plane
5 - TDI PA15
6 - GND Ground plane
7 - TMS / SWDIO PA13
8 - GND Ground plane
10 - GND Ground plane
11 - RTCK N.C.
12 - GND Ground plane
13 - TDO / SWO PB3
14 - GND Ground plane
16 - GND Ground plane
17 - N.C. N.C.
18 - GND Ground plane
19 - N.C. N.C.
20 - GND Ground plane

SD-card connector properties

Name TF
Reference None
Type microSD

SD-card connector pins

# Name Function Connected to
1 - DAT2 PC10
2 - CD/DAT3 PC11
3 - CMD PD2
4 - VDD +3.3V rail
5 - CLK PC12
6 - VSS Ground plane
7 - DAT0 PC8
8 - DAT1 PC9
9 - CD PC7
10 - Body Ground plane

Serial Header properties

Name Unknown
Reference None
Type Pin header (2.54mm, 2x1, male)

Serial Header pins

# Name Function Connected to
1 TX - PA9
2 RX - PA10