STM32-base project overview

The STM32-base project rapidly grew in both size and complexity. And the project is still expanding. This page provides you with an overview of all the repositories and other parts that make up the STM32-base project.


All repositories related to the STM32-base project are hosted on Github. The repositories are grouped together in the STM32-base Github organization.

This website is hosted on Github Pages. The Github organization allowed for a much nicer URL ( The source for this website can be found in its own repository.

Code repositories

The code and scripts that make up the STM32-base project are kept in a single repository called STM32-base. The STM32-base-STM32Cube repository contains the CMSIS and HAL code as provided by STMicroelectronics.

Project templates

A project template is available for each supported device series. The following template repositories are currently available: